Band of singers


Storytelling is an essential glue that binds communities together over time, preserving their particular history of struggles, shared dreams, and ideals. A story of connection may shift how we think about our times and the world around us.

Perhaps the most enduring form of storytelling is through song.

Founded in 2017, Band of Singers is an all-levels community choir and songwriting workshop exploring themes of biophilia, autobiography, and local history in seasonal, eight- or ten-week sessions.

The Band of Singers is led by singer-songwriter Maesa Pullman.

Did you grow up singing in a choir and miss that creative outlet? 

Have you ever written a song but didn’t know where or how to share it? Are you interested in natural history and the relationship between humans and the rest of the living planet?

Please consider supporting us.

Your tax deductible donation supports our mission of engaging with each other in finding creative solutions through permaculture, systems thinking, medicinal plants, art, singing, science and storytelling. We aspire to a new story of interdependence, to restore shared wisdom, and to have fun doing it.