Ticket: Summer: The Dance of the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine with Linda Gibbs 2023/07/21 – 2023/07/21


SKU: GIBBS-SUM Category:


Friday July 21, 2023
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
At the BirdHouse Garden

The Dance of The Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine Summer is the direction of the South, when we are the most active and extroverted, and the garden is most abundant. We will focus on the herb Comfrey and create a biodynamic and cell regenerating preparation for the garden as well as for ourselves. Our meditation will focus on strengthening our partnerships.

$65 for BirdHouse Members / $75 Non-Members 

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Summer: The Dance of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine with Linda Gibbs

BirdHouse Member $65, Non-Member $75